Data Types

Type-ing up the formats. :D

The Data Types used by Kopernicus are used for every key/value pair, and some have their own unique values.


name = String
iconColor = Color
cacheFile = File Path
radius = Double
maxZoom = Single
contractWeight = Integer
timewarpAltitudeLimits = Integer[]
cameraSmaRatioBounds = Single[]
pressureCurve = FloatCurve
Data Type Description Examples
String A collection of characters. “Hello”, “Kerbin”, “Sarnus123”
Integer A number that has no decimal part. 1, 100, -13, 69
Double A number that can store decimals. Used for most decimal keys. 3.1415926, 2, -100.01
Single Similar to a Double, but can store smaller decimals. 69.964201, -10, 0.37
Color A color. It can be expressed in many ways, as shown below.
“0.5, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0” - A color in RGBA format, where each number is between 0 and 1.
“RGBA(128, 0, 255, 255)” - A color explicitly specified in RGBA format. Each parameter is a number between 0 and 255.
“RGB(100, 255, 0)” - A color in RGB format. Similar to RGBA, but the Alpha value is always 255.
“HSBA(137, 109, 203, 255)” - A color in HSBA format (Hue, Saturation, Brightness, Alpha). Each parameter is a value between 0 and 255.
“#7289da” - A color in hexadecimal format.
“XKCD.Cyan” - An XKCD color. More info here.
Listed to the left.
File Path A String containing a file path to a file. The path is relative to GameData, meaning the path starts after GameData. “Fruit/Configs/Apple.cfg”, “Mod/PluginData/SampleTex.png”, “Fruit/Cache/Grapefruit.bin”
x[] A comma-separated list with values of type x. “Integer[] = 1, 2, -10, 24”, “String[] = Hi, Bye, IOParser, Excel”
FloatCurve A list of keys, each with 2 or 4 values. The first two values are the “time” and “value” values, and the next two are the derivatives of the curve (optional). Error: Exceeds size limit.
Vector2/3 TODO TODO
Quaternion TODO TODO