
The Light { } subnode of the ScaledVersion { } node describes the light quality of the star itself.


  sunlightColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
  sunlightIntensity = 0.9
  sunlightShadowStrength = 0.75
  scaledSunlightColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
  scaledSunlightIntensity = 0.9
  IVASunColor = 1.0,0.384,0.345,1.0
  IVASunIntensity = 0.9
  ambientLightColor = 0.6,0.06,0.06,1.0
  sunLensFlareColor = 1.0,0.352,0.301,1.0
  givesOffLight = true
  sunAU = 13599840256
  luminosity = 1360
  insolation = 0.15
    key = -0.01573471 0.217353 1.706627 1.706627 // 1/0 - At furthest or unreal distance.
    key = 5.084181 3.997075 -0.001802375 -0.001802375 // 1/5 AU
    key = 38.56295 1.82142 0.0001713 0.0001713 // 1/38 AU - At an extremely close distance.
  	key = 0 0.9 0 0
	  key = 1 0.9 0 0
	  key = 0 0.9 0 0
	  key = 1 0.9 0 0
	  key = 0 0.8099999 0 0
	  key = 1 0.8099999 0 0
Property Format Description
sunFlare File Path The path to an asset bundle containing a Unity LensFlare object that should be applied to the star.
sunlightColor Color The color of the LocalSpace starlight. Influences vessels and PQS terrain.
sunlightIntensity Single The intensity of the LocalSpace starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use IntensityCurve instead.
sunlightShadowStrength Single The strength of the shadows caused by LocalSpace starlight.
scaledSunlightColor Color The color of the ScaledSpace starlight. Influences the ScaledSpace representation of the bodies.
scaledSunlightIntensity Single The intensity of the ScaledSpace starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use ScaledIntensityCurve instead.
IVASunColor Color The color of the starlight in IVA view.
IVASunIntensity Single The intensity of the IVA starlight. Usage not recommended, because of a lacking distance limit. Use IVAIntensityCurve instead.
ambientLightColor Color The color of ambient lighting when orbiting near the star.
sunLensFlareColor Color The color of the star’s LensFlare effect. Gets multiplied with the color of the base texture (yellow-ish for stock flare).
givesOffLight Boolean Whether the star should emit light and have a LensFlare effect, or whether it’s an object like a black hole.
sunAU Double Distance in meters. ?Something to do with setting AU from parent star to home world? What’s it for? we know it does not affect star luminosity calcuation.
luminosity Double Misnomer. Insolation in watts per square meter at Kerbin’s orbit. Calculate for other stars as the (starluminosity)^0.5 * 1360, where starLuminosity = 1 is the starLuminosity of the stock sun (roughly 1/100th the luminosity of the real world sun). You can use it to calcuate the starLuminosity by 4 * Math.PI * kerbinAU * kerbinAU * luminosity.
insolation Double ?value modifying luminosity for power reaching surface?
radiationFactor Double ?Description here?
brightnessCurve FloatCurve Associates a distance value with a multiplier for the brightness of the LensFlare effect. The distances are measured in 1/AU value, with 0 being the farthest. See the example above for more info.
IntensityCurve FloatCurve Associates a distance value (in meters) with a value that describes the intensity of the LocalSpace starlight at that point.
ScaledIntensityCurve FloatCurve Associates a distance value (in meters / 6000) with a value that describes the intensity of the ScaledSpace starlight at that point.
IVAIntensityCurve FloatCurve Associates a distance value (in meters) with a value that describes the intensity of the IVA starlight at that point.