altitudeBlend = 0.1 //How well the different colors blend between transistions over altitude. Larger values result in noisy tranisitions
altitudeFrequency = 12 //Frequency value
altitudeOctaves = 2 //Octave value
altitudePersistance = 0.6 //Altitude Value
altitudeSeed = 12249
createColors = True //Whether Land Control should color the terrain or not.
createScatter = True //Whether Land Control should place terrain scatter
heightMap = Filepath //Filepath to your planet's heightmap, if any.
latitudeBlend = 0.1 //How well the different colors blend between transistions over latitude. Larger values result in noisy tranisitions
latitudeFrequency = 5
latitudeOctaves = 5
latitudePersistance = 0.6
latitudeSeed = 47373
longitudeBlend = 0.6 //How well the different colors blend between transistions over longitude. Larger values result in noisy tranisitions
longitudeFrequency = 4
longitudeOctaves = 4
longitudePersistance = 0.6
longitudeSeed = 768453
useHeightMap = False //Whether the heightmap is used or not
vHeightMax = 40000
order = 999 //Order in which its applied
enabled = True
name = _LandClassOcean //Identifier incase of multiple Land Control
scatters//This node declares all the scatters which can be used on the planet - you must define a scatter here to use in a LandClass
materialType = DiffuseWrapped //Can one be of several types
material = BUILTIN/scatter_rock_kerbin
mesh = BUILTIN/boulder //model
castShadows = True
densityFactor = 0.25
maxCache = 512
maxCacheDelta = 64
maxLevelOffset = 0
maxScale = 1.5
maxScatter = 10
maxSpeed = 200
minScale = 0.15 //Size of the scatter
recieveShadows = True
name = boulder //Identifier
seed = 123887
verticalOffset = -0.25 //How much is it offset in terrain
instancing = False //Whether they should use instancing or no.
delete = False
Material //Material/Texture of the scatter
mainTex = BUILTIN/rock00
color = 1,1,1,0.621999979 //Color
diff = 0.2
landClasses //This is the section that adds the color and/or scatters to the terrain. Each LandClass is its own Value and is set to a given area by LerpRanges
alterApparentHeight = 0 //
alterRealHeight = 0 //
color = 0.180000007,0.100000001,0.0700000003,1 //Color of the terrain
coverageBlend = 1 //Blend of the terrain
coverageFrequency = 2 //Frequency of coverage
coverageOctaves = 4
coveragePersistance = 0.5
coverageSeed = 121214
name = BaseSun //Identifier for the Land Class
latDelta = 1
latitudeDouble = True //Whether the LandClass uses latitudeDoubleRange
lonDelta = 0
minimumRealHeight = 0
noiseBlend = 0.5 //How much the noise is blended with terrain color.
noiseColor = 0.280000001,0.100000001,0.0700000003,1 //Color noise
noiseFrequency = 8 //Frequency of Noise
noiseOctaves = 4 //Number of times noise is repeated within itself
noisePersistance = 0.5
noiseSeed = 453737
delete = False
altitudeRange //Controls Altitude to which the color is applied
endEnd = 1 //True end - the colors above this land class completely take over.
endStart = 1 //Start of the end - The color starts fading out, being replaced with colors from other landclasses
startEnd = -1 //True start. The color now completely covers terrain
startStart = -1 //Start of color region. The color starts blending with the other land classes below this
endEnd = 1
endStart = 1
startEnd = 0
startStart = 0
endEnd = 1
endStart = 1
startEnd = 0
startStart = 0
endEnd = 0.5
endStart = 0.5
startEnd = 0
startStart = 0
scatters//Adds scatters to a give land class
Value//Each scatter declared in the Scatter node can be used here
density = 1
scatterName = boulder //name of the scatter
delete = False